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Welcome to the official site of International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (ISDUP, DUP). ISDUP was organized solely for historical, educational, and public purposes and is completely non-political and non-sectarian. We are dedicated to honoring the names and achievements of the men, women, and children who founded Utah. We seek to encompass a broad scope of services, ranging from the preservation of historic landmarks to the education of thousands of school children and adults about their pioneer forebears. For more information about DUP and the history of the organization, click here.

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May Bulletin : Important DUP Information

May's Bulletin contains useful information to keep you up-to-date on DUP issues. For May's bulletin, click here.


Lesson Books for 2024-2025 Available Now!

Spiralbound and hardbound books can be picked up at our gift counter during regular business hours, or ordered by phone or website and shipped with additional shipping costs. The price of the spiralbound will be $20 and the hardbound will be $25 if you pick them up at the museum. Shipping costs will be added for items sent through the mail. To save money when ordering multiple books, phone the business office (801-532-6479, ext 200). Shipping and handling ordered this way will be charged with the postage and must be paid with a debit or credit card. Please note: international shipping requires special handling through our main office and tends to be very expensive. The web store is only for shipping within the United States. The web store address is here.


SUPer DUPer Day at This is the Place

For Sons of Utah Pioneers and Daughters of Utah Pioneers -- Monday, July 22, is SUPer DUPer Day at This is the Place Heritage Park from 10 am to 5 pm. Special Price All Day Pass: Adults $9.95, Seniors (65+) $7.95, Children (3-11) $5.95, 2 and under free. The Devotional will be held at the Pioneer Center and will feature Emily Belle Freeman, Young Women General President, from 10 am to 11 am. We recommend you pre-purchase your tickets at Use code: SUPDUP2024  You can also purchase tickets at the Park on July 17th. This Is The Place Heritage Park is located at 2601 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake City.


2024 Days of 47 Royalty Announced


International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, in partnership with Days of '47, Inc., is pleased to announce the 2024 royalty: Queen Elizabeth Rampton, Attendant Korissa Behunin, and Attendant Tiffany Gunnell. Elizabeth Rampton is pursuing a BA in English with a speciality in Literary Studies at Brigham Young University with a minor in cultural dance. She was heavily involved in teaching reading, writing and working with struggling students to develop literacy. She has a passion for musical theater and all that comes with it, singing, dancing, acting, speaking etc. She used these talents
while serving as a Nauvoo performing missionary for her church. She participates with the Heart + Voice Show Choir. Elizabeth is the daughter of Rhett & Jessica Rampton from Kaysville, UT. Korissa Behunin is enrolled at Brigham Young University studying to receive her BS degree in nursing with plans to become a Nurse Anesthetist. When she was deciding on a career path, she had one goal in mind, whatever she decided to do she wanted to help people. She served a mission in France and Switzerland for her church. Korissa has studied and played the harp for a decade. She is trained in multiple styles of dance including ballet which gave her the opportunity to dance as a lead dancer in her studio’s performances and Ballet West’s Nutcracker. Korissa is the daughter of Ben & Julianna Behunin from Riverton, UT. Tiffany Gunnell has been a ballroom dancer since the age of nine, and won numerous national championship first place titles. She has sung and performed in musicals, small groups, duets, and solo performances. She served a mission in Texas for her church and is always looking for opportunities to serve in her community. She is a photographer starting her own business. One of her goals is to offer photo sessions to people with health challenges who may be unable to afford professional photos. She completed the BYU Pathways Connect program. Tiffany is the daughter of Neil & Jeanette Gunnell from Elk Ridge, UT.
The trio was chosen during a scholarship competition. They were evaluated by a panel of judges based on their responses and video submissions centered on this year’s theme, “Stout Pioneer Hearts – Lift Others!” Their goals, accomplishments, poise, leadership, answers to judges’ questions, and being a direct descendant of a Utah pioneer who came to the Salt Lake Valley between 1847 and May 10, 1869 were other qualifications. During their reign the Royalty will attend many events for Days of ’47, and International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, in addition to speaking at youth, church, community and civic organizations. The Royalty strive to honor the legacy of Utah Pioneers and Utah’s collective heritage by involving themselves within the community throughout the year, endeavoring to instill awareness, a greater understanding and appreciation of the faith, fortitude and courage of the trailblazers of our state. These women are ambassadors for Days of ’47, International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the State of Utah. To schedule an appearance by ISDUP/Days of '47 Royalty members, contact Constance Huntsman, 801-450-2757 or



ISDUP Seminar/Convention 2024

Mark your calendars for the International Seminar/Convention which will  be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at Woods Cross High School in Woods Cross, Utah. Book and gift counter sales run from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Company Officer Training will be from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The Convention, which starts at 10:30, will host the speaker Emily Utt, historic sites curator for the LDS Church History Department. The lesson books for the 2024-2025 DUP year will also be for sale, as well as other items from the Museum gift shop. Hope to see you there!


The Spring Edition of the Legacy is Now Available

The Spring 2024 Legacy issue is out!  Click here for the Legacy.


DUP Ten-Year Camp Initiative

The Ten-Year Camp Initiative was introduced in 2023 as a planning tool in which Camp Members were encouraged to assess their membership to make a plan for the perpetuation of their Camp. We encourage all Camps to continue this effort. The Ten-Year Camp Initiative recommendations and a worksheet are available by clicking here. For an example of how to execute the plan, click here.


October Lesson: The Hole in the Rock

The lesson for October is about The Hole in the Rock Expedition. The Bluff Fort Visitor Center has graciously shared with us the following videos for anyone who may want more information on the topic. Click on the following links to view the videos.


Legacy Articles

We are always gathering articles and pictures for our quarterly newsletter, the Legacy. Please see the following link for deadlines and how to submit your articles and pictures.

These are the types of articles we accept:

1. Camp or company activities, recognitions, visits, events, member milestones and celebrations
2. Museum and marker events, and celebrations
3. Membership recruitment successes 
4. Outreach activities and events by camps, companies, museums, etc. 

We do not accept: Articles about fundraising or donations to other organizations, information about items for sale,  articles thanking outgoing or incoming elected camp or company officers, obituaries, articles or poems about events that do not pertain to DUP.



On-line Training Videos

On-line training videos have been prepared to assist members and officers in camps and companies. Access training videos below:
  • Overview of ISDUP Website and Resources training video click here

                For ISDUP website screen shot document click here.